

Kalsiý düzetmek 98%, iberiş üçin taýyn ~

Kalsiý düzgüni 98%
25 kg sumkasy, 27sfcl / 20'fcl paletlerde
1 FCL, barmalysy: Günorta-Gündogar Aziýa
Ibermäge taýyn ~

30. 30
18. 18

1. Täze iýmit goşundysy hökmünde. Feeding calcium formate to increase weight and using calcium formate as a feed additive for piglets can increase piglet appetite and reduce diarrhea rates. Doňuz etiniň 1,5% kalsiý görnüşine 1,5% kalsiý goşmak, doňan doňuzlaryň önümçilik önümlerini ep-esli gowulaşdyryp biler. Research has found that adding 1.3% calcium formate to the diet of weaned piglets can improve the feed conversion rate by 7% to 8%, and adding 0.9% can reduce the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets. Other things to note are: the use of calcium formate is effective before and after weaning, because the hydrochloric acid secreted by the piglet itself increases with age; calcium formate contains 30% of easily absorbed calcium, and care should be taken to adjust the calcium and phosphorus when formulating feed proportion.

2. Gurluşykda ulanylýar. Çalt sazlama agent agent agent agentligi, çalgy we irki güýç agent hökmünde ulanylýar. Used in building mortars and various concretes to speed up the hardening of cement and shorten the setting time, especially during winter construction to avoid too slow setting at low temperatures. Möhürmek, güýje girmäge we mümkin boldugyça gysga wagtda ulanmaga sement etmäge mümkinçilik berýär.

Calcium formate uses: various dry mixed mortars, various concretes, wear-resistant materials, flooring industry, feed industry, tanning. Kalsiý düzüň we seresaplyklar gury minimada we beton üçin dozanyň çozmagy we beton bir töhmetdir we iň ýokary goşmaça mukdar 2,5%. Palsiumyň dozasy temperatura damjalary hökmünde kem-kemden köpelýär. Tomusda 0,3-0.5% -de ulanylsa-da, tomusda ulanyljak bolsa irki berkitme boldy.

Iberiş wagty: Okt-16-2024