Phtical anhidride 99%
25 kg sumkasy, 20ton / 20'fcl paletlerde 20'fcl
2`fcl, niýetlenen: Eastakyn Gündogar
Ibermäge taýyn ~

Birinjiden, Phathanik anhadrid, neşe önümçilik pudagynda möhüm rol oýnaýar. UN-lamate garşy neşe serişdelerini, berk neşe serişdelerini, antibiotiks, antikançiks, antikançiks, antikançiks, antikançiks, antikançiks, antikançikserleri we beýleki neşe serişdelerini öndürmek üçin açara materialdyr. In addition, phthalic anhydride is also a precursor for the preparation of various plant hormones such as growth hormone and auxin, which is of great significance for promoting plant growth and increasing crop yields.
Ikinjiden, Phmetanyň withiddi, boýnunda we hoşbagaňçylyk pudagynda giňden ulanylýar. As an intermediate for dyes and spices, phthalic anhydride is used to make spices, pigments, synthetic fiber dyes, etc. Its unique chemical properties make it irreplaceable in these fields, adding rich colors and fragrances to people's lives.
Mundan başga-da, Phmet Haýtadiýa plastmassalary we rezin önümçiligini öndürde möhüm rol oýnaýar. Politeri eheme, poliamid, poliamid we polimwid öndürmek ýaly polimerik birleşmelerini öndürmek möhüm çig met. These polymer compounds have excellent physical properties and chemical stability, and are widely used in automobiles, electronics, construction and other fields, providing strong support for the development of modern society.
Phathanik sintezi, Phathanik anhidriddi, dürli programmalar bar. It can be used for carbonylation, propylene oxidation, preparation of activated carbon esters, dry hydrogenation, aldehyde and ketone esterification, nitric acid and alkaline oxidation. In inorganic synthesis, phthalic anhydride can be used to synthesize ammonium salts, and can also be used as the main polymerization agent for the synthesis of copper zinc sulfide. Bu siletiki reaksiýalar himiýa senagatynyň ösdürmek üçin baý materiallar hödürleýär.
Mundan başga-da, Phmet Haýt Jyhidde, jyňňli himiýa pudagynda möhüm programmalar bar. It can be used for a variety of separation crystallization and catalytic reactions, and can also be used for the preparation and dispersion technology of various inorganic calcium sulfur polymers. Magdan gaýtadan işlemegiň çäginde Phmet-jiwik verhydid magdan öndürijiligini we hilini ýokarlandyrmak üçin magdan ýataklaryny minerallaşdyrylan önümleriň minallaryny gaýtadan işlemek üçin ulanylyp bilner. In addition, phthalic anhydride can also be used as a raw material for insecticides and pesticides, playing an important role in ensuring the growth of crops and increasing yields.
"Senagat önümçiliginde" Phifыlic anadrid esasan çözgüt we çykarylmak hökmünde ulanylýar. Due to its low boiling point and high solubility, phthalic anhydride is widely used in petroleum refining and petrochemical industries as a cracking raw material. At the same time, it can also be used as a chromatographic analysis reagent and an extractant for spices, etc., providing an effective means for chemical analysis and spice extraction.
Iberiş wagty: NOV-04-2024